I am Robyn Caughlan from the Darug and Darkinjung lineage and I am proud of it. My art started to fill a void in me that I thought would never be filled. Apart from my three children, finding out I am of Aboriginal descent at the age of 30 from my real mother, was a major turning point in my life. I lost my father at five and three months later I was sent on a two week holiday, never to return. So then I lost a mother, sister and four brothers, which added to my loss of identity. It took me many years to recover from that.
I had the most wonderful foster parents and sister but it is like you have had a huge chunk of your heart ripped out and it leaves a void that takes many years to heal.
But now I work very much from a spiritual level of peace, love and emotions. I believe all cultures are important. My mother was Aboriginal and my father originated from Belfast, his grandmother from Spain. I am blessed with a multicultural heritage.
At the age of 30 I discovered art which became a passion of mine and honestly saved my life. It is an expression of oneself. We should never be afraid to put our true feelings on canvas. Artists are the keepers of history. We are all storytellers.
There are many facets of my art that I use for creative expression – visual art, textiles, fashion, ceramics and author.
I began to enjoy the freedom and style that I call my own and this is based on my personal interpretation. My style also allows the contemporary Aboriginal artist to go beyond in many ways. We are many cultures but we are one. If the world realized this, we could all live in peace and harmony.
There is enough negativity in the world. It’s up to us to come together to make it a better place. Through all the pain and loss over the years, I have gained much more as I have been given the gift of art and that to me “heals the soul”.
There is an artist in all of us when you think about it as we get to help create our destiny. Artists are unique. We are inspired by dark and light also all things bright.
I have been privileged to be part of many exhibitions over my artistic journey and have travelled the world through my art and now I love to help emerging artists on theirs.
How lucky we are.

Robyn with Ross Hutchinson
Dawn Fraser, AO, MBE.
Awarded “World Athlete of the Century” at the World Sport Awards in Vienna in 1999. In the same year was also awarded “Athlete of the Century” by the Australian Sports Hall of Fame. She was voted the person who best symbolises Australia and in 1998 was included as one of Australia’s National Living Treasures.
The Hon. Linda Jean BURNEY, HonDEd, DipEd MP
Member of the Legislative Assembly. Member for Canterbury. Deputy Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education, Shadow Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, and Shadow Minister for the Central Coast. Member of the Australian Labor Party.
Paul Blyton
Former Deputy Mayor, Campbelltown.
Sharon Davson
Davson Arts Museum.
Jenna Seymour
Miss Earth 2012, Miss Universe Finalist 2014
Linda Campbell, MA, Dip CHt, Master NLP.
Renowned hypnotherapist, NLP expert and public speaker.